Monday, January 26, 2009

Because everyone else is doing it...

SO, I've been informed by my dedicated readers that I have not posted in a long time...11 days! Gasp! What have I been doing?! The truth? Sitting on my butt.
Some of you already know, but Paul and I found out we are expecting baby #3 in late August. We are truly excited and we (I) can't wait for this pregnancy to go by fast. We expect it will what with our nearing PCS to TN, and all the details that go into making that happen. SO, with that, I've been struggling a lot with morning sickness these past few weeks. I haven't been "sick", just very queasy. Surprisingly though, not as bad as the first kids, so I'm thankful for that.  Sunday was my empowerment day. Paul had to go in AGAIN  (when he thought for sure he wouldn't) and work almost a full day. Leaving me with no break from the kids, no laundry or dishes relief, and dare I say, no nap opportunity. GASP! again! :)  So, I told myself, you can sit here like a lump feeling like crap and getting irritated with small everyday things, or you can get up and start taking care of things. The house is all caught up (Thank the Lord for Cherry Blossom), the laundry room re-organized, flea market pile is growing, and I can have a day to myself now without the feeling of terror of walking into my house of towering dishes and moldy laundry. (ok it wasn't that bad, but let's just say, my mother would have been disgusted). I'm finally back, and I promise, oh faithful readers (all 3 of you) I will continue to post more frequently with up to the minute second info.

Stay tuned for an interesting tale of Ethan's toenail.  I know, you're on the edge of your seat!


Unknown said...

OMG Abbey Congrats!!

Andrea said...


aviva5271 said...

congrats, Abbey! glad you're feeling better than with the other two :) life is busy for you!

Mandy said...

YAY!!! everyone else IS doing it!! Or shall we say DID it?!?!? ha ha ha...I hope you start to feel better soon. For that matter I hope I start to feel better soon! At least you will, or should, feel better around the time you move--which is SO SOON!

Anonymous said...

and with BIG cheers... CONGRATULATIONS!!! :) xC

Yvonne LeBrun said...

Holy Moly - EVERYONE IS DOING "IT"! I swear, you're the 5th person I know that is due in Aug now. congratulations!! Hope you start feeling better soon :)