Thursday, February 23, 2006

Wow!! It has certainly been a long time! We finally are here though, in Japan. We actually just got our internet hooked up today. We are waiting for Fiber Optic, so in the meantime, they gave us ADSL (advanced?) I don't really know, but it seems to do the job. Anywho, so we've been here for about a month now, and boy oh boy is it awesome! The views are amazing, the natives are so nice, and the shopping is ridiculous awesome! Yeah, ya know, I may have hit up a few shops here and there in my effort to become "absorbed in the culture". But everything is mad expensive though, like, I still haven't found a pair of jeans under ¥19,000 (that's about $190). I guess I could just go to the PX on base, but I don't really like wearing clothes that have the words: "Apple Bottoms" printed on my backside.

Paul leaves for Korea in three days. He is going to be gone for 6 weeks. I know, this seems like nothing compared to some of my friends' husband's 7-8 month deployments, but it's just the fact they are gone that is the sad part. Speaking of which, there are about 3-4 that are either in Iraq or headed there right now, and they could really use our prayers for a safe return, please keep them in your hearts and minds.

Other than the garbage truck that plays music, construction signs with cartoon characters on them, and the daily Japanese Loud Speaker announcement (still can't figure out what it's for), things are pretty normal around here. So don't think we are living that different from all of you stateside. We do drive on the opposite side of the road, just imagine making a right turn being a huge pain in the butt. That's basically the worst part.

So what would be a blog without some pics, right? Well, here are some of my faves. Ethan is getting so big, and so expressive. He giggles all the time now, especially when you tickle his tummy, and he is grabbing for things left and right and straight into his mouth they go! Oh yeah!!! He rolled ALL THE WAY OVER the other day!!! From the back to front to back! I was so impressed! He is so glad that he has his things back, too, (so are mommy and daddy; a car seat and teddy bear only do so much for a 4 month old). Yeah, that's right, he gonna be four months at the end of Feb. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. I saw a newborn at a play date the other day, and couldn't believe that he was once that small. Well, I'll keep this short, and get to the good stuff. Hope this finds everyone doing well, and feel free to write, or call, our 517-579-3629 # is up and running! We love you all!!

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