Friday, July 16, 2010

The Mother of All.....

Tomorrow, we will have our very first "independent" garage sale. I say independent because the first (and only) one we had was headed up by my mother and Paul's father. That's when Rich coined the term "mother of all garage sales." I am hoping by writing this post the night before, it doesn't leave him enough time to pack his car full of stuff and drive down to participate! (Love ya Rich!)
It's a little nerve racking, though, I must say. Our only experience with selling things by ourselves was in Okinawa at the Flea Markets. I REALLY hope it doesn't end up like this!

While I know there's not many Japanese in the area, southerners have been known to LOVE a good sale!

So, pray for us while we embark on this journey, with three kids who will want desperately to be a part of it, and hope we don't lose our minds in the process!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was the first, and last, garage sale I've ever had!

"will you take a quarter for this thing marked fifty cents??"

Good Luck!!!